Ice Cream Tour 2015 – #20 (The final stop)

We are at the end of our journey! What a week it has been. Some great places, some fabulous ice cream and a wonderful week with my daughter.  How should we celebrate? With a final ice cream cone, of course! Could we possibly be getting tired of ice cream? NO, not in the least. It was off to our final destination.

Our last stop on our Ice Cream Tour 2015 is Village Ice Cream in Calgary. What a way to end it. This place only opened in 2012, but holy cow (get it? ice cream? cow?… oh forget it) has Village Ice Cream ever made a name for itself already! They proudly proclaim their ice cream is like a love letter to your mouth. Wow, they had me at ice cream.

Village Ice Cream is a quaint little shop tucked away in the Victoria Park Area. They have a store in Britannia Plaza as well.

There’s quite a story of how Village Ice Cream began. The owner, Billy, was trying to find life’s purpose on a motorbike trip to Rio De Janeiro. He got as far as Mexico but decided to give up. He later found himself on his grandmother’s porch in Montana eating homemade ice cream, trying to figure out what he should do with his life when it suddenly hit him. THIS is what he was meant to do! Hand-made ice cream, in small batches.

I started this tour with a Salted Caramel and that’s how I ended our tour. My daughter had Chocolate. Billy admitted it took him 2 years to perfect his Chocolate Ice Cream recipe. When we tasted it, it was perfect. Melted Bernard Callebaut chocolate is the key ingredient. The Salted Caramel is absolutely amazing! I’m not joking. I’ve had a lot of ice cream this past week, it gets 10 licks out of 10!

That’s it! Over 1700km, 7 days and 20 cones to sample the best ice cream in southern BC & Alberta.

Thank you for following our adventure. We will have one final blog with a top 5 cone list, our pick of the best 3 ice cream places, the weirdest flavour, highlights of our trip and news about a possible future tour.

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