Ice Cream Tour 2015 – Stop #19


A candy store AND ice cream shop side by side? Am I dreaming? Nope.

In Nanton this combination actually exists. The Nanton Candy Store needs no introduction. It is legendary in Alberta. Six years ago, an ice cream shop was added next door and anyone in Alberta with a sweet tooth came to Nanton. The hardest decision – which shop to visit first?

We saw Pauline and Mike, they run both shops. We had a great visit. They have 32 flavours of Foothills Creamery Ice Cream.

Mike is the master of the Garbage Can flavour. He invented it after a customer suggested it was too hard to make a decision of what flavour to choose. So Garbage Can has several different flavours and it is never the same twice. In fact, every spoon is different. My daughter couldn’t resist eating Garbage Can, and I had Cookie Dough. Both were fantastic. Creamy, smooth, rich! Perfect blend in the Garbage Can, according to my daughter. My Cookie Dough had plenty of chunks and was delicious!

We gave Nanton Ice Cream 9 licks out of 10. Only one more stop left. Village Ice Cream in Calgary, here we come!

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