Ice Cream Tour 2015 – Stop #18

The Frank Slide…

In 1903, more than 80 million tonnes of Turtle Mountain came down and buried part of the town of Frank in less than 90 seconds. The enormity of this slide can not be described with words or pictures. You really just have to go there to fully experience how big this rock slide really was. The Frank Slide Interpretative Centre is an incredible source of information about this natural disaster.

In the shadow of the Frank Slide lies the town of Bellevue. It’s pretty quiet here most of the time, except for the Old Dairy Ice Cream Shoppe, it was hopping.

The shop has been around for 25 years and owner, Bernita, greets every visitor with a smile. They have 47 flavours and her favorite is Turtle.

This shop does not make their own ice cream, they order it from Foothills Creamery in Calgary.

I picked Belgian Hazelnut and it was rich and creamy. There was a nice hazelnut taste, however, I found the flavour slightly watered down.

My daughter had Rocky Road. Maybe it was because we just had homemade marshmallows at Happy Cow in Fernie, but you could taste the difference in marshmallows. I guess we were spoiled at Happy Cow.

Still it was very good ice cream and we gave The Old Dairy Ice Cream Shoppe 8 licks out of 10.

One thought on “Ice Cream Tour 2015 – Stop #18

  1. I had a friend who works at the Bellevue Ice Cream shop and shared your story. Now I’m reading your blog. I think this dad – daughter trip tasting ice cream for a week sounds bliss! What a special adventure for both of you 🙂


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